The Problem Of Alienation In Modern Bureaucracies

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Political science and public administration, Institutional pressure, Alienation problem, Psychological problems, Modern bureaucracies


In this study, the problem of internal pressure and alienation in today's modern bureaucracies has been examined. When the characteristic elements of modern society are considered, one of the first elements that comes to mind is bureaucracy. In modern societies, every action taken is actually a bureaucratic action. Organizations, meetings, hospitals, factories, etc. All elements operate within the bureaucratic system. Today's person enters into institutions operating with bureaucratic systems from the moment he is born, and this process continues until the end of his life. The bureaucratic organization has turned into a structure that spreads to every field in the process. Bureaucratic organization has turned into a totalitarian system in itself, since it dominates every aspect of life, albeit secretly, in modern society. Therefore, when the literature is examined, we see that many social scientists have conducted studies on the negative effects of bureaucratic structures on human life. The strict bureaucracy system in modern bureaucracies has caused some problems both at the level of employees and at the level of society. In modern bureaucratic institutions, the individual feels pressure and is exposed to situations such as loneliness, alienation and psychological wear. This mentality that has emerged in the bureaucracy and the effects on the individuals created by this mentality have spread throughout the society. The factors that are effective in the concept of alienation are the psychological problems that arise within the individual and in the general structure of the society. The main source of the alienation situation experienced by the individual is the contradiction between the essence and existence of the individual. He is incomplete in the definitions he makes while explaining the essence of the individual. This situation causes the definition of alienation not to be fully defined. Scientists who define the concept of alienation have also defined the concept of alienation in different ways due to the different definitions they make in human definitions. Therefore, in order to make the concept of alienation clear, it is necessary to define the essence of the individual completely. When we look at the starting point of the concept of alienation, the most backward period is the Ancient Greek period. The concept of alienation continues to exist as one of the most important problems of both civilizations that lived in the past and the period in which humanity lives today. Although the concept of alienation has been examined in different fields such as philosophy, sociology, psychology and politics, it has not been fully defined. Therefore, the problem of alienation is still a valid problem today. According to Marx, alienation is a state of mental disability that occurs with civilization. In essence, human beings are neither the existence of their dreams nor the existence they should be. Human existence is shaped by the structure formed by society. In this case, the structure of the human being shaped by the structure formed in the society does not coincide with its essence. According to Marx, life is in a two-way relationship. The first of these relationships is the natural relationship in human nature. The second is the social relationship that shapes the human structure. The conflict of these two relations with each other creates a mental disability. Therefore, an alienated, alienated person emerges. According to Marx, human existence is shaped by the practice of life. This has happened in every period of history. The situation that determines this life practice is the mode of production of man. Therefore, the elements that determine the existence of man and shape him; historical, economic and social factors. For example, the structure of the human being in the capitalist system in the 19th century led the human being, who is a part of the economic system, to fulfill elements such as "hoarding", "owning", "respecting authority". The structure of the human being in the 20th century capitalist order has determined "consumption as a purpose and virtue". As seen here, two different human structures have been defined in two centuries. According to Marx, two different human structures shaped in these two different centuries do not overlap and even contradict each other. Therefore, man is alienated from his essence. In other words, according to Marx, individuals have been forced to alienate in the capitalist system. In this system, it contradicts the human essence. At the core of alienation is the inhibition or dysfunction of the creativity and activity skills of the individual. If the individual cannot bring about an action he is working on, by using his creativity, and if these creativity situations are caught by some obstacles in the bureaucracy, in these conditions, the individual becomes lonely and alienated from his own essence. These emerging states of alienation have made themselves evident in today's bureaucracies. Modern bureaucratic institutions are one of the structures that play an active role in shaping or transforming the personality of individuals working within them. In institutions within the bureaucratic structure, it is mainly aimed to achieve the goals of the structure. Therefore, in line with these goals, they try to mold the individual by exposing the individual to their own discipline and rules. This situation creates a pressure on the individual. The individual, who is exposed to this pressure, continues to work and shape his social life by sticking to the rules and discipline adopted by the institution. Otherwise, the individual may face exclusion from the institution or society in which he works. Individuals working in these institutions are forced to act impersonally and cannot express themselves as a whole while trying to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the institution. This situation causes problems in the sense of self, loneliness and alienation of the individual.
Since rationality and impersonality are dominant in the institution, individuals within the institution have difficulty in establishing close relationships with each other. Modern bureaucracies, by their very nature, create unemotional and impersonal behavior in the individual. These institutions consciously try to distance the individual from their own essence. Their aim is to move away from the individual's own essence and enter the molds desired by the institution. Individuals get rid of their own selves and become subject to the rules and disciplines imposed by the institution. Therefore, the purpose of the institution becomes the goal of the individual. The normative, authoritarian and oppressive states adopted by modern institutions cause the individual to move away from his essence. As a result of this effect, the individual is faced with the danger of losing his human side. This state of affairs occurs in a certain developing process. In the first stage of this process, the individual first tries to adapt to the rules and oppressive authority of the institution. The individual tries to be at peace with himself during the adaptation phase and tries to convince himself of this situation. Over time, the pressure imposed by the institution, loyalty to authority and rule-making begin to create discomfort in the individual. As the individual becomes alienated from his essence, states of loneliness and depression arise. In essence, this study examined the negative effects of bureaucratic rationality on the individual.


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How to Cite

Güler, H. G. (2023). The Problem Of Alienation In Modern Bureaucracies. Nous Academy Journal, (1), 1–19.


