An Alternative Thought on Women's Wealth Value and Their Existence in Society: The Example of Ali Shariati

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Ali Shariati, Woman, Religious Tradition, Social Change


It is an undeniable fact that women have played important roles throughout history, such as the education of children and the transmission of cultural values, as well as being an indispensable element of society. Nevertheless, in many periods of history, as in some families or societies today, women have remained in the shadow of men and have been labeled as the other and have been in a subordinate position. In addition, although she has been largely isolated from social life and her freedom has been restricted and neutralized, many responsibilities such as maintaining social order have been imposed on women. For many years, women have considered this situation as a fate and have been exploited under the yoke of the stronger man or religion interpreted as “manly”. It can be said that with the industrial revolution, women's participation in the labor force created an opportunity for them to gain social and economic independence. Again, it cannot be ignored that since the mid-20th century, women have made significant gains in the fields of education, labor force, health and social services and have made a great impact on gender equality and women's rights, especially thanks to the feminist movement. However, despite all this, that is to say, although women have resorted to different ways to realize their existence and to show the value of their existence, it cannot be said that they have fully achieved this. This is because women's existence is not only an individual experience, but also the result of social dynamics. Therefore, in this study, in general, how the existential value of women in ancient and modern societies has been shaped, as well as the traditional oppressive and patriarchal understanding of religion, especially among Muslim women, or the role-models of women who assimilate the “savior” ideas put forward under the name of “progressivism” are mentioned. However, the position of women in society and the possible improvement of this position is presented from the perspective of Ali Shariati, an Iranian thinker and sociologist known for his deep analysis of social and religious issues. Shariati reinterprets Islamic thought and the role of women, advocating for women to have equal rights in society. He emphasizes Islam's emphasis on justice and equality for women. However, she emphasizes the social role of women, stating that they are not only a part of the family structure, but also a critical prerequisite for the realization of society's existence. In other words, he believes that women must become conscious and take an active role in society. Our thinker has stated that the problem in question can only be overcome by getting rid of the usual patriarchal and irrational understanding of religion and staying away from western ideas that are based on the exploitation order and sailing to the idea of a godless life. In addition, our thinker's alternative vision of the position of Muslim women in social life has been tried to be explained with Islamic and humanitarian examples. The value of women has undergone a continuous evolution from past to present. This process continues with women demanding their rights, contributing to social changes and realizing their potential as individuals. In particular, the quest for equality and justice emphasized by our thinker continues to have a profound impact on the value of society as women's own values are revealed. It is thought that this study will contribute to the literature in terms of clarifying the value judgments produced about the existence of women and having a consensual opinion on this issue.



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How to Cite

Toy, F. (2024). An Alternative Thought on Women’s Wealth Value and Their Existence in Society: The Example of Ali Shariati. Nous Academy Journal, (3), 32–47.


