Analyzing God Proofs and Divine Creation Theories from the Perspective of Conception of God Theories

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Philosophy, Conceptions of God, Object Relations Theory, Attachment Theory, Cognitive Theory


Conceptions of god emerges as one of the most significant subjects in human history. This concept, which lies at the center of humanity's existential quest, has occupied the minds of philosophers, theologians, and scientists throughout history, becoming the source of countless debates and intellectual movements. This article examines in depth how God is depicted in theories of divine creation within the context of God conception theories. This examination reveals the psychological dimensions of human efforts to understand and make sense of God. conceptions of god are fundamentally divided into two main categories: cognitive and relational. This distinction emphasizes different aspects of how humans perceive God and establish relationships with Him. Under these two headings, it is possible to discuss three fundamental conceptions of god: Object Relations Theory, Attachment Theory, and Cognitive Development Theory. Each theory emphasizes the role of different factors in the formation of human perception of God and attempts to explain the psychological and social foundations of this perception. Object Relations Theory, developed by psychoanalysts such as Melanie Klein, Donald Winnicott, and Freud, is an approach that examines the impact of early experiences on an individual's perception of God. This theory posits that the relationship a child establishes with their parents forms the basis of the relationship they will develop with God in later years. Attachment Theory, based on the work of John Bowlby, argues that an individual's relationship with God is a reflection of early attachment styles. Cognitive Development Theory, drawing from Jean Piaget's ideas, asserts that an individual's perception of God changes and matures in parallel with cognitive developmental stages. In the context of these theories, two types of God conceptions stand out. The first is built upon authority and revolves around the understanding of Father/control/power. This conception views God as a powerful, authoritative figure who sets the rules. The second is the Mother/loving God conception, expressed through a bond of love and compassion. This conception perceives God as a compassionate, merciful being who loves unconditionally. Our research determines that the best theory is the cognitive theory, which combines these two poles. Cognitive theory presents a more holistic approach by accepting that the conception of God is composed of both Father and Mother conceptions. This theory emphasizes that an individual's perception of God can change and develop over time, presenting a more flexible and dynamic understanding of God conception. At a more fundamental level, it is related to the Jungian concept of an individual turning inward to discover themselves and develop self-conception. The article examines in detail the positive and negative God conceptions that emerge in the context of these theories. God conceptions arising from proofs of God's existence and theories of divine creation are examined in relation to these theories. It is determined that physical proofs of God and ex nihilo (creation out of nothing) views are associated with the Father God conception. These approaches view God as the creator and organizer of the universe and emphasize His power and authority. On the other hand, metaphysical proofs of God and the traditional interpretation of the Theory of Emanation are associated with the Mother God conception. These views emphasize God's aspects of love and mercy, arguing that a closer and more internal relationship can be established with Him. Subsequently, these conceptions are evaluated from the perspective of cognitive theory. The article aims to highlight the inconsistencies that emerge when we center on the cognitive theory of God conceptions and to open a discussion on the coherence of relevant conceptions from this perspective. This discussion aims to address the God conceptions that could be considered incomplete in proofs of God's existence and theories of divine creation when God conceptions are understood more comprehensively and holistically, as in Cognitive theory, and to emphasize that these could have potentially negative effects on an individual's development. At the same time, offering suggestions for developing a healthier thinking system is among the aims of the article. In conclusion, we emphasized the deficiency of the conceptions of God inherent in the arguments and posited that such a deficiency would have adverse effects on human development. We postulated that an individual unable to comprehend God in His bipolarity would possess a negative self-concept. We asserted that a person incapable of integrating femininity and masculinity within themselves would be unable to avoid extremes. Excessive masculinity's soullessness and excessive femininity's inertia impede one's self-realization and homogeneity. Building upon these premises, we endeavored to present a psychological critique of the proofs of God's existence and theories of divine creation in this article. As a proposed solution, we accentuated that the conception of God as both Spirit and Matter, immanent and transcendent, could be a reasonable resolution in light of our findings. We indicated the necessity of a dialectical emanation for the conception of God to encompass the polarity present in Jung's cognitive theory.


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How to Cite

Khrais, H. Y. M. (2024). Analyzing God Proofs and Divine Creation Theories from the Perspective of Conception of God Theories. Nous Academy Journal, (3), 14–31.


